How to Get Your Best Beauty Sleep

How to Get Your Best Beauty Sleep

Women often report insomnia associated with menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. Women who have problems with getting a good night sleep have a greater risk for health problems, not just now but later in life. Not getting enough sleep profoundly affects every aspect of our lives and so it makes sense that insomnia should be taken seriously.

Instead of taking sleeping pills try to increase your sleep quality with our top 10 tips to get better beauty sleep

  1. Go to bed before 10pm

  2. Sleep in a room which is dark, quiet and cool (btw. 60-68 degrees)

  3. Stop drinking caffeine (tea, coffee, energy drinks) after 2pm

  4. Use your bed for sleep only (no work, no reading)

  5. Switch off all electronic devices 1 hour before bedtime

  6. Make your bed room a tv, computer and mobile free zone

  7. Do some light stretching (yoga), breathing exercises or meditation

    before bed

  8. Don ́t drink too much after 8pm to avoid going to the toilet

  9. Take a hot bath before bed with Epsom salt and lavender

10. Take magnesium supplements before bed (helps to decrease


Chewing Food and Importance On Health

Chewing Food and Importance On Health

Chewing seems to be an unimportant part of eating, something that needs to be done as fast as possible so we can finally swallow our food. But this is a big mistake. Chewing is actually the most important aspect of nutrition and eating and so deserves much more attention than we are giving it.

Digestion starts in the mouth. While chewing digestive enzymes found in saliva begin to break the food down. This is the first and most important part of digestion because without these enzymes your body can ́t absorb the nutrients.

Think about it, the more you chew your food the more liquid it becomes and the easier it is for the stomach and small intestine to digest it.

Ideally we should chew every bite at least 30 times (you can start with 20 times if it feels too long for you). Put your cutlery down while chewing so you are not tempted to take another bite when you haven ́t finished chewing.

Try to notice the difference it makes when you chew your food properly. You ́ll realise you are eating slower, you are concentrating on your food, you are full faster and feel less heavy or bloated after your meal. Your stomach won’t need to work as much so you won’t be as tired or lethargic afterwards. 

Handling Sugar Cravings

Handling Sugar Cravings

Cravings are your body ́s way of telling you that you may are lacking certain nutrients or sweetness in life that may not be food related. If you are having cravings for sweets like chocolate, cakes, ice cream, sodas or juices than you should try out these following tips:

1. Drink water
Sugar cravings can be a sign of dehydration. Start your day with a big cup of warm water and make sure you are drinking enough water during the day.

2. Sleep more
Are you getting enough sleep? If you aren ́t sleeping well your body may tell you that you need more rest in form of sugar cravings. A minimum of 6-7 hours of sleep is recommended for adults to feel energised and not tired during the day.

3. Reduce caffeine
Caffeine can cause dehydration and also blood sugar swings which can be the reason for sugar cravings

4. Reduce alcohol
Same as caffeine alcohol is dehydrating and therefor may cause sugar cravings

5. Eat sweet vegetables
Try out eating more sweet vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, beets or squash. Due to their naturally sweetness you will crave less sugar.

6. Eat more sweet fruits
If you are eating more sweet fruits like bananas, mangos, melons, grapes or pears you are not only getting a lot of vitamins and antioxidants but also natural sugar which will satisfy your cravings for more sweets. 

7. Use spices
If you use more spices like cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, coriander or curries you may notice less cravings due to the sweet aroma of the spices. Put cinnamon in your tea or nutmeg into your potato mash.

8. Personal life
Cravings can have a psychological component. If you aren ́t happy in your personal life and are missing “sweetness” in your relationships or in your work this can be the cause for cravings too. If your life is sweet enough you don ́t need additional sugar to feel happy and satisfied.

The most important thing is that you are listening to your body and finding out what works for you. Find out the source of your cravings so you can adjust, take charge of your health and eliminate your sugar craving. These simple steps can positively impact your health, your weight and your overall wellbeing. 

Natural Remedies to Beat PMS

Natural Remedies to Beat PMS

PMS is not something that you should be dealing with every month for the rest of your life. If you struggle with symptoms like bad cramps, headaches, mood swings, bloating, breast tenderness or cravings don ́t just accept it because these symptoms really aren’t necessary. PMS is believed to be hormone related and diet and lifestyle plays an important role.

Instead of taking pain killers every month optimising nutrition and a change in lifestyle can help tremendously to relieve PMS symptoms.

5 Best Foods for Women's Digestion

5 Best Foods for Women's Digestion

We are what we digest, not what we eat. It is so important to keep our digestion working smoothly, otherwise our bodies struggle as we can ́t absorb nutrients, we get bloated and constipated. To maintain optimal digestive health, here are my top 5 foods that you can add to your diet.

1. Coconut oil
Coconut oil contains antimicrobial properties and fatty acids that are beneficial for your digestion. I recommend taking 30ml/1 ounce each day (preferably in the morning)

2. Ghee
Ghee (clarified butter) stimulates the digestive system by encouraging the secretion of stomach acids which help to break down food. I recommend taking 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon a day depending on your own body.

3. Courgette
Courgette is extremely high in fibre and has a cleansing effect in your digestive tract. Try to incorporate courgette into your daily recipes, even salads for a little boost of digestive cleansing.

4. Bone broth
This magical broth reduces inflammation and can protect against infection. The gelatine found in bone broth can help to heal and seal the gut and therefore support proper digestion.

5. Fermented foods
Sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles and other fermented vegetables, kombucha and miso are high in probiotics, break down and eliminate heavy metals and are detoxifying. Try to have a small portion of probiotics with each meal for optimal digestive health. 


Headache Relief

Headache Relief

During menopause many headaches are caused by our fluctuating hormones. Oestrogen can cause blood vessels to dilate, while progesterone causes them to tighten. This can cause pressure changes in the head, resulting in headaches and migraines.

They can also be made worse by dehydration, especially if you suffer from frequent hot flushes, which can cause even further dehydration in the body due to sweating.

Not only that, but other research points to mineral, salt and electrolyte deficiencies being the cause of troublesome headaches and migraines during this time. 
So, how do you give your body enough minerals, salt and electrolytes at the same time? 
Well, drink coconut water or drink water with added himalayan sea salt, a pink salt that has 84 minerals, electrolytes could bring relief.
These two options will not only help to hydrate you but to give your body adequate levels of minerals and electrolytes which are crucial for alkalising your body, balancing the pH and removing excess toxicity that may cause strain, stress and headaches.

Finally, if you want to take all of this to a completely new level and really make sure you prevent and stop your headaches in their tracks, you need to make sure to detoxify your liver faster. This can be done by adding fresh lemon juice to the water (or therapeutic grade lemon essential oil)
Lemons do an amazing job at filtering and removing excess toxicity from the liver, which is very important for healing your headaches. The Liver has over 600 functions in the body including purifying the blood, removing toxicity and importantly for us, regulating hormones. When the liver is not working properly the blood becomes less healthy, leading to headaches and further menopausal symptoms.

Try this mixture to help relieve your headaches:
2 teaspoons Himalayan crystal salt
1 cup fresh lemon juice, together with the lemon zest (use organic lemons) or 2-3 drops lemon essential oil
1 cup of water. (You can supercharge this by using pure, unpasteurised coconut water).

Sleep - The Missing Link?

Sleep - The Missing Link?

If you're like most women, you're burning the candle at both ends.  Often you will short change sleep in order to get everything done.  This is one of the most common errors made and will contribute to weight gain or inhibit weight loss.  When you don't get your required sleep, 7 to 8 hours every night, your body will lack the normal amounts of serotonin and dopamine.  You will crave carbohydrates, specifically sugar and caffeine for energy.  This is also a way for your body to replace the lack of serotonin and dopamine.  By eating carbohydrates you will get a  temporary energy boost.  Sugar is often accompanied by caffeine for a 'pick me up'.  This can also contribute to poor sleeping patterns.  Lack of sleep throws you entire system out.  It will increase your body's level of a protein called NYP, or Neuropeptide Y.  This protein will decrease metabolism and increase appetite.

All in all, it's worth it to get your rest.  Not only do you feel more energetic and optimistic, but it allows your body to function more effectively to burn calories and excess fat that you want to rid yourself of.

So, how do you go about getting the required rest?  Read on for 16 ways to improve your sleep:

  1. Develop a bedtime routine.  Try to get into the habit of settling down each night with a simple routine.  This may include a bath or reading in bed for a short time.  This will help you relax and fall asleep faster.
  2. Go to bed earlier.  Even if you can't sleep right away, it will help you relax.
  3. Regular exercise can help improve sleep.
  4. Early morning exercise can also help make it easier to fall asleep at night.  Try to avoid exercise 3-4 hours before bed.  However, if this is the only time you have available to exercise, once your body becomes used to this routine, you will reap the benefits of the exercise while still sleeping soundly.
  5. Reduce caffeine intake.  Limit intake to 1-2 cups of coffee daily and try to avoid caffeine 4 hours before bed.  Remember that caffeine is present in many forms, not just coffee.
  6. Maintain a regular schedule, even at the weekend.  Try not to oversleep as this can actually make you feel more tired in the end.
  7. Drink alcohol in moderation.  Alcohol can help you fall asleep, but you will usually wake up in the middle of the night.  Limit your intake and avoid it a few hours prior to bed.
  8. Watch the temperature.  A room between 60-70F is best for most.
  9. Eat a healthy diet with regular meals and snacks.  If you have lots of energy throughout the day with few lows caused by low blood sugar, you will feel more able to settle down and rest at night.
  10. Don't eat a heavy meal before bed.  This can cause indigestion and heartburn.
  11. Reduce stress as much as possible.  Different techniques help different people,  but find something that works for you.  This could be exercise, yoga, meditation, keeping a diary, whatever works.  If you don't find relief straight away, keep at it, stress reduction is a learned behaviour.
  12. Turn your clock away from you and stop staring at it if sleep doesn't come to you.  Get your book out and write down a 'to do' list if it's keeping you awake.  Then try again.
  13. Try not to nap longer than 20 minutes during the day if you do decide to nap.
  14. Add some 'white noise' to help drown out any other noise.  A fan or CD of rain falling can help you relax.
  15. Check all your medications to see if they have adverse effects on sleep.  Ask your doctor for an alternative, if necessary.
  16. Get a check-up.  If you toss and turn most nights, it may be time to seek medical attention.  There are sleep disorders (sleep apnea or insomnia) that you may be suffering from.  If you've tried all the above tips and you are still not sleeping well, your doctor may be able to help.

Sweet dreams!

Is Weighing Yourself Messing With Your Head and Sending You Crazy?

Is Weighing Yourself Messing With Your Head and Sending You Crazy?

Did you jump out of bed this morning and head straight to the bathroom?

Then, JUMP ON THE SCALES?  Come on, admit it...if you did... and what was the verdict?

Are you going to let that number dictate your mood?

If it was lower than yesterday will that determine if you have a good day?

If it was higher than yesterday are you going to be in a bad mood?  
Is that reading going to dictate what you wear?

How you feel?

What you eat for the rest of the day and the choices you make socially?

It's really time to stop this insanity.

Although it's tempting to weigh yourself daily, please try not to.

The reasons are multiple, some people will lose more weight at the beginning of their weight loss journey, and others will lose more weight later as the body gets used to the new regime & lifestyle.


You need to try to keep your blood sugar & hormone levels much lower, stopping the constant spiking and your weight could swing up or down as much as 3 or 4 pounds every day.


How do you FEEL ....?

Your measurements are more important than what you see on the scales, which is why I would focus on your inch loss and how you look from week to week with your photos.

Also, it can be heartbreaking, if you jump on the scales after 7 days or 14 days and the scales have only moved a small amount.

Because we all lose body fat at different speeds.  Your measurements and photos are 90% more important than what the scales say.

Remember; Scales are for fish.

Don't let that number dictate you having a fantastic day!

Your Health is Wealth.....

Choosing foods that bring you closer to health  not foods that take you further away from health is key....

It's a marathon .... not a sprint. 

If you would like to discuss how I can help you get over your relationship with the scales, book your FREE Discovery Call here:


Workstation Health for Menopausal Women

Workstation Health for Menopausal Women

This blog is for those of you who spend most of the day sitting at your desk, leaning over a computer or a laptop.

Many of you may find yourselves experiencing a variety of neck and back aches, pains and niggles that you never used to have.

This is where my training as a Personal Trainer can help you on the path towards healthy ageing and to help you tackle these new problems.

Below are my top 6 tips to help those of you whose job involves them being glued to their desk to stay pain-free whilst at work.

  • Be aware of your posture.  Posture, like muscles, needs to be worked upon for it to be improved. When we sit for prolonged periods of time, our head, shoulders and torso hunch forward.  This forward posture places more strain on our neck and spine.  Over time, chronic, neck, shoulder and lower back pain can develop.
  • Take a break and stand up!  Take a break and stand up every 30 minutes (for 2-5 minutes at a time).  I usually use the timer on my phone to remind me to get up and take a break, focusing on getting my neck and shoulders back.
  • Exercise during the day.  Take the stairs, stretch and activate your muscles.  You may wish to set yourself and daily step goal based on the following:

Less than 5,000 steps = sedentary

5,000 - 7,499 = low active

7,500 - 9,999 = somewhat active

Greater than 10,000 steps = Active

  • Keep track of your steps.  You can purchase one of the many activity trackers which are becoming increasingly popular.  Some of them will remind you if you have been inactive for a period of time.  Alternatively, a simple pedometer will suffice.
  • Sit properly.  

Keep both feet firmly on the floor

Sit up straight and tall with your shoulders pulled down and back

Align your ears, shoulders and hips

Adjust your monitor height so the web taskbar is at eye level

  • Use mobilisation and strengthening exercises.  

Strengthen your back muscles to help keep you upright and maintain a good posture

Sitting for too long can cause your head and shoulders to pull forward, resulting in a hunched position.  Focus on strengthening your shoulder and chest muscles.

These simple changes truly helped my neck and back issues and I am confident they will help you.

Must go now, my timer has just gone off.  Time to stand up!


Hot Flushes Guide

Hot Flushes Guide

Have you ever had a hot flush at just the wrong moment?

Maybe you were having coffee with a work colleague and all of a sudden you burst into a flash of heat and sweat.  It can be strange, uncomfortable and extremely embarrassing!  Don't worry, you're not alone!  Many women experience hot flushes during peri-menopause and menopause.  However, this doesn't make it any less embarrassing.

For most women, signs of menopause, such as hot flashes will last between 6 months and 2 years, but they can hang around for up to 15 years.

So, What is the Science Behind Hot Flushes?

As we enter our 40s and 50s, our oestrogen levels plummet.  This drop is believed to affect the hypothalamus, an area of the brain that regulates temperature.  The lack of oestrogen tells your brain that you are overheated, causing your heart to work faster, the blood vessels in your skin to swell and your sweat glands pour out enough sweat to make it look like you've just completed a Bikram Yoga class (Hot Yoga).  Every woman will experience different symptoms and recognising how hot flashes affect you as an individual is a good start towards finding relief.

Some hot flashes are a sudden rush of heat - your face may become visibly flushed but this may subside quickly.  Others can be an all-day sweat session.  Some women only have hot flush symptoms in their upper body, while others, like me, may also experience them in their lower body.  Some women experience hot flushes daily, while others go weeks at a time without one or only experience night sweats, which can disturb sleep.

Thankfully, these sweaty episodes typically decrease as you go through peri-menopause and into menopause.  There are, however, a few hot flush triggers that can affect their intensity, frequency and duration:

  • Try reducing your caffeine intake, particularly before bed
  • Alcohol is another trigger.  However, not everyone is affected by alcohol
  • Anything that is hot - showers, weather, spicy food and overheated bedrooms are commons triggers
  • The more refined sugar menopausal women consume, the more hot flushes they will have
  • Now is a good time to quit smoking
  • Hot flushes go hand in hand with stress and anxiety

If you feel like you're living in your own private sauna, do something about those pesky menopause symptoms.  Hot flushes may feel like an unstoppable force of nature but if you make some simple lifestyle changes you can free yourself of those hot flushes in no time.

Whether you flash, flush or sweat, it doesn't mean you should suffer in silence.  Recognising your own symptoms is the first step to feeling better.  If you need some help in figuring out what works best for you, book your FREE 30 minute Discovery Call and let's get things rolling.


My EUREKA Moment!

My EUREKA Moment!

The day I discovered an ALL NATURAL alternative to HRT for relief from my menopause issues I was relieved, delighted, elated and excited all at once.

My journey through peri-menopause started when I hit 48.  I remember it was a really hot summer and I was working mainly outdoors as a personal trainer.  The hot flushes during the daytime were my first issue.

As many of you who have been here will know, the first reaction to a hot flush is to try to cool yourself down.  This can often involve removing as many clothes as possible (whilst remaining decent, if in company).  I hunted high and low for 100% cotton clothing.  I bought an array of vest tops, sleeveless tee shirts and nightdresses.  I also discovered merino wool which claimed to keep the body cool in extreme heat and warm in the cold.

I spent many hours driving to and from clients with the air conditioning in my car on maximum.  There were times when that didn't cool down the car fast enough so I would wind down all the windows instead.

The flashes started at the backs of my knees and radiated upwards to the top of my head.  I could feel the sweat trickling down me and accumulating on my face.  They would last a couple of minutes and then I would feel really cold.  I got to a point where I knew when the next flush was coming and would brace myself (I later discovered this was probably one of the worst things I could have done).

I actually timed the interval between hot flushes and it was exactly an hour.

Then, the night sweats arrived.  I would be wakened 3 or 4 times a night dripping wet and would rip off my nightdress, throw the covers back and snuggle up against the stone cold metal radiator next to my bed.  After a couple of minutes, I would then feel really cold and pull all the covers back on and quickly abandon the radiator.

There was no way I was going to see my GP for her to put me on HRT.  After all, when I started to menstruate as a teenager I didn't go to my GP for some tablets.

I knew it was just the start of the next phase of my life and I wanted to embrace it if it wasn't for these pesky hot flushes and night sweats.

I searched the internet for other solutions.  I came across Black Cohosh, Sage Leaf, progesterone creams and magnets to place in your underwear.   In desperation I did actually try all of these.  The sage leaf did not help at all; the black cohosh reduced the flushes for a couple of months but they came back; the progesterone cream gave me some temporary relief and the magnet did nothing at all except protrude through my exercise pants like an unsightly wart!

I read lots of information about menopause and learned that the symptoms can last up to 15 YEARS!  


No way could I put up with the flushes for 15 YEARS!!!

I was determined to find a solution.

After around 18 months of struggling, I found an ALL NATURAL solution.  I didn't hesitate for a second and called for more details.


My search was over!

I was keen to learn and try the solution IMMEDIATELY! 

The solution was so easy to implement and within a few weeks:

  • I was having very few hot flushes
  • My night sweats were a thing of the past, meaning I was now sleeping through the night
  • I felt totally revitalised and full of energy (some of my PT clients were commenting on how much energy I had)
  • I lost 7lbs from around my mid section, which had been expanding
  • Part way through, I noticed a clarity in my thinking (as if a fog I hadn't realised was there had lifted)
  • My daily headaches, which I had not really associated with menopause disappeared and I was no longer reliant on paracetomol

I know there are so many women out there suffering on a daily basis.  Many will be suffering way more than I did.


I'd love to hear your experiences with menopause.

Get Ready To Feel AWESOME!

Ever wondered by your friend gets better results from following the same weight loss/lifestyle programme as you?  

Here are ten simple facts you need to know in order to successfully make lasting lifestyle changes.    These facts will arm you with a wealth of knowledge to be successful.

  1. Set up your mind for success.  The first principle has nothing to do with food at all, but has everything to do with your health and success.  What many people don't realise is that the thoughts they think each day can affect their weight loss dramatically.  For example, Julie and Jo both start a lifestyle programme on the same day.  Julie goes into the programme with the mindset, "This is going to be great.  I can already see my new body coming!"  Jo, on the other hand starts the programme, but with the completely opposite mindset, "Oh what's the use?  I've tried to lose weight so many other times.  I guess I'll just see if I fail again this time."  If you had to guess, which person do you think has a greater chance of reaching their weight loss goals?  Yes, Julie - because she started off in the right mindset.  Before you start your programme, spend some time thinking and writing down exactly what you want for your health, your weight and your life. See yourself in the healthy, beautiful body you've always dreamed about and believe it is possible for you.
  2. Kick Sugar Once and For All.  It is no longer a secret or even a shock to most people that refined sugar causes weight gain and is one of the leading causes of obesity in the world.  Sugar is also extremely addictive and the negative side effects are just as bad as drugs, if not worse.  People don't realise how much sugar they are consuming in one day.  Most soft drinks, juices and even some "health" drinks have anywhere between 5-10 teaspoons of sugar in each 8oz serving.  It's not just drinks that are loaded with sugar.  Most cereals and packaged foods have sugar or some form of sugar listed as the first or second ingredient. Fortunately for those looking for a lean, defined body, once you stop eating sugar, your addiction will quickly disappear.  People who are "on" sugar crave it all the time.  People who are "off" sugar don't even miss it.  Weaning yourself off sugar and sugar containing products will cause a drastic and immediate change in your weight.  The first few days may be a bit of a "detox" but these symptoms quickly disappear.
  3. Artificial Sweeteners are NOT a Good Replacement for Sugar.  Often when people decide to give up sugar, they quickly resort to artificial sweeteners.  These are definitely NOT the answer!  Sorbitol, saccharin, aspartame and sucralose have been linked to cancer, tumours and obesity.  They can cause weight gain by disrupting your body's natural hormones.  Studies have shown that when people give up their daily "Diet" drink they quickly lose up to 10 lbs just by eliminating the consumption of this toxic sweetener.  So it is equally important to eliminate any food that contains these sweeteners as it is to eliminate sugar from your daily intake.  A great alternative is STEVIA, a naturally sweet plant native to Paraguay that is 30 times sweeter than sugar in its unprocessed form.  Stevia is all natural, contains zero calories and has a zero glycaemic index.
  4. Go Back to Eating Real Foods.  To make differentiating between healthy natural foods vs non-foods, stay away from anything that contains ingredients on a label that you can't pronounce.  If the ingredients list to your favourite cereal is more complicated than your college chemistry final, best to stay away from it at all costs.  These chemicals are all toxins to your body and your liver becomes extremely overwhelmed trying to rid your body of the harmful toxins.  If your liver is too busy ridding you of toxic overload it will not be able to perform it's other job of burning body fat.
  5. Eat the Right Carbs for Optimal Health and Fat Loss.  Whilst reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your meals will help you lose weight and lean down, you must reduce the bad and increase the good.  Eating fibrous carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables actually turns your body into a fat burning machine.  It is the processed and refined wheat and grains that cause everyone to feel bloated and have a difficult time losing weight.  Don't fall into the "no carb" tarp.  Learn the right carb approach to look great and feel great.
  6. Fire up Your Metabolism by Eating Regularly.  You must develop the habit of eating frequent meals all day long to develop the kind of speedy metabolism that is going to allow you to get lean and stay lean.  Eat 4-6 well portioned meals each day and you will see your body burn fat faster than you can say "sumo wrestler".
  7. Water.  If you often feel like you're starving all day no matter how much food you've eaten, chances are you may be severely dehydrated.  Many people actually mistake dehydration for hunger and eat lots more than they actually need when all they really needed was to drink some water!  Water helps metabolise stored fat, rid the body of waste and is a natural diuretic and laxative, no wonder it's an absolute MUST when fat loss is your goal.
  8. Throw Out Those Deceiving "Health Foods".  There are many health foods on the market causing people to gain weight as well as making it near impossible for them to lose weight.  There are thousands of health foods that contain toxic hydrogenated oil.  Check out that Weight Watchers meal.  Even some energy sports bars and shakes are loaded with hydrogenated oils and many other preservatives.  Another culprit is SOY.  The worst soy protein products are soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, texturised vegetable protein and hydrolised vegetable protein.  These are found in everything from shake powders, energy bars, veggie burgers and canned tuna.  The worst soy products are margarines containing trans fatty acids.
  9. Learn to Love the Right Kind of Fat.  The complete elimination of all fats from your diet is a BIG mistake.  Eliminate the unhealthy ones like hydrogenated oils, but the healthy fats found in wild fish and nuts are absolutely essential for your body to function optimally.  These Omega 3 fats are so critical to the body's functioning that it is very difficult to experience any weight loss without including them in your meals.  Good sources are salmon, walnuts, chia seeds and organic eggs.
  10. Build Your Body and Stop Hunger by Eating Protein.  Protein not only fuels your muscles, it also helps stabilise your blood sugar and prevents hunger.  so, you get the benefit of lean, toned muscles and a way NOT to be hungry - sounds good to me.  Most people go through the entire day without eating any protein.  These are usually the same people who complain of a flabby body, fatigue and hunger pangs that won't go away.  Include a healthy source of protein in each meal, for example grass fed meats, free range poultry, organic eggs, wild fish and organic raw nuts.

Is Stress Blocking Your Weight Loss?

Photo by cyano66/iStock / Getty Images

Are you feeling stressed?

It could be blocking your weight loss.

Here are 7 ways to reduce stress and boost your weight loss.

I am frequently asked about the relationship between stress and weight gain. Stress and excess fat storage go hand in hand – one triggers the other. When you are under stress, your body releases a stress hormone called cortisol from the adrenal glands. Unfortunately, an over secretion of cortisol will lead to weight gain, typically in the abdominal area.

If you feel like you are under prolonged, chronic stress, you could be at the highest risk for excess weight gain.

Over-secretion of cortisol can cause excess weight gain in three ways:

1. Slowing metabolism

Too much cortisol will slow your metabolic engine, making weight loss much more difficult. If you're trying to lose weight, this decrease in your metabolic rate may make the process frustrating.

2. Increasing cravings

When you are stressed and craving something to eat, do you crave an egg or a piece of celery? Of course not. Most people crave a sugary or starchy food in an attempt to improve their mood and boost their energy. Unfortunately, treats like biscuits, cakes, crisps and fancy coffees are all high on the glycaemic index and will trigger the excess secretion insulin. In a nutshell, excess insulin is stored as excess fat (especially around the mid-section) and it will cause the vicious cycle of cravings to continue.

3. Fat storage

An excess secretion of cortisol promotes abdominal fat storage, which has been linked to a greater risk for heart disease, cancer and stroke. Ideally, a man’s waist circumference should be less than 40" and a woman’s should be less than 35".

Decreasing cortisol levels naturally
Since cortisol levels play an important part in regulating blood sugar, fat storage and energy production, it is important to practice techniques that can keep cortisol levels low. Here are seven ways to de-stress and keep cortisol under control:

1. Exercise
Regular cardiovascular exercise will greatly help to reduce stress and cortisol levels.

2. Keep blood sugars balanced
Refined carbohydrates can increase cortisol levels and can contribute to weight gain. Reducing your intake of high glycaemic index foods such as biscuits, cakes and sweets will help you to drop excess weight, eliminate cravings and keep cortisol levels down.

3. Supplement wisely
Supplement your diet with a high quality multi-vitamin and multi-mineral. An additional multi-B vitamin can also be helpful in times of prolonged or increased stress. Supplementing with fish oils can also help with depression and overall brain health.

4. Belly breathe
Simply inhale through your nose for a count of 4 while your belly rises and exhale for a count of 4 while you belly flattens. Do five rounds at a time several times per day.

5. Create a regular sleep pattern
The body thrives on routine. Try to go to sleep at the same time each evening and get up at the same time in the morning. Ideally, you should be in bed by 11 p.m. and out of bed by 7 a.m. For optimal hormonal secretion and health, sleep in a room that is completely dark.

6. Drink green tea
In addition to being loaded with anti-oxidants, green tea also provides natural anxiety relief by triggering the release of the amino acid L-thianine. For weight loss, it is recommended to drink 2 to 3 cups per day.

7. Meditate
The art and science of meditation is one of the most effective techniques to reduce stress levels. Start by simply sitting in a room by yourself and focusing on your breathing for five minutes. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back to focus on your breathing. Remember, meditation takes practice – but even a small effort will make a big difference.

Stress can contribute to excessive weight gain and eventually ill health. If your stress levels have escalated to a chronic nature, start by implementing the simple yet very effective steps above to manage your health and weight in an effective manner.

For the Girls: Menopause Mayhem?

For the Girls: Menopause Mayhem?

My age is no longer a secret.  I'm not ashamed to say I'm in my 50's, although I have a bit of trouble believing it myself.  I always though I'd have lots of things figured out by now.

One of the important things I have figured is how to stay lean and sane when many women my age are pulling their hair out.  Being lean is great, but sanity is better.  I think one of the things that drives women crazy is their inability to get rid of the expanding waist line, so by solving that issue, the sanity one is also (partially) solved.

Thankfully, I don't get offended when anyone says to me regarding menopause "what's the big deal"?  They clearly haven't been battling with hourly hot flushes, night sweats and disturbed sleep that I have along with the other issues many of you will have experienced. 

I get lots of questions about the bug "M" so I thought I'd address a few of them here:

Why do women over 40 need a special programme and what are their biggest concerns?

Statistics show that two thirds of women will gain between 10 and 15lbs during menopause.


It's centred around the abdomen and is highly correlated with cardiovascular disease, like heart disease and stroke.  Women tend to develop "insulin resistance" which means their bodies ten to store fat instead of burning calories.  There are other factors involved in creating the middle age spread such as hormonal imbalances, lack of sleep, dietary concerns, nutritional imbalances and high cortisol levels caused by stress, just to name a few.

Women need a programme that will address each of these concerns.

What is it about menopause that causes weight gain?

There's an assumption that weight gain is caused by menopause, however, it is more to do with lifestyle than hormone changes.  In fact, those who are vigorously active are less likely to gain weight.  There are really few try symptoms of menopause which are hot flashes, night sweats, sleep deprivation, mood swings and vaginal dryness.

Weight gain isn't a medically documented symptom, but is rather a result of lifestyle for 10-15 years PRIOR to the start of menopause.  Typically women become increasingly sedentary during those years and the trade lean muscle for fat.  Even if women weigh the same amount (which often isn't the case), body composition changes which makes it difficult to stay lean.

Women will even gain weight eating the same amount or less due to having less metabolically active lean muscle.

So, it's actually true that metabolism slows, but it's mainly due to less lean muscle than hormonal changes.

Does metabolism slow down at menopause?

As I said, it's actually the loss of lean muscle that leads to a tanking metabolism, not hormone changes per se.  It also starts earlier than menopause with a loss of 1-2% of lean muscle per decade.  This equates to about 10-15lbs which is replaced by fat, over time but often start to notice changes at menopause.

What's going on with our hormones that may cause weight gain?

The ovaries produce less oestrogen and the body starts searching for other places to compensate or fill up for the deficit.  Fat cells in the body can generate oestrogen, so the body works harder to convert calories into fat to increase oestrogen levels.  Unlike the muscle cells in the body, fat cells don't burn calories.  This causes the accumulation of those unwanted pounds and the body ends up storing more fat than it used to.

Why do women gain weight around the mid section?

There are a few factors at work here:

Many women follow a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet and after time, processed and refined foods may make your body resistant to insulin.  Also, insulin resistance causes the body to mistakenly turn calories ingested into fat.

At menopause, oestrogen levels drop and low oestrogen levels are associated with loss of subcutaneous fat (which is fat under the skin) and the gain of visceral fat (which is fat located inside the abdomen)

How do I keep the pounds off as I approach menopause or during menopause?

All of this can be curbed by adapting the type and duration of exercise you do.  It's not about quantity, but about quality and INTENSITY of exercise.  Resistance is a MUST to increase lean muscle tone.  Lean muscle is calorie burning, metabolically active tissue, it takes calories to maintain it so you'll burn more calories even while sleeping if you have more meat on your bones.

With age, the body is re-compositioning: losing lean muscle and replacing it with fat.  The end result of this is a 'fatter' body that is weaker, has less energy and is prone to weight gain.  Resistance training can turn this cycle around.  You'll look and function better and you won't be prone to weight gain as readily as your 'fatter' counterpart who basically 'weights' the same, but has a fatter composition.

How does diet factor into this?

Of course, it goes without saying that nutrition is an important factor.  However, it doesn't mean a starvation diet by any means.

A diet full of lean protein, low glycemic carbs, veggies, fruits, healthy fats and an elimination of processed foods is a great place to start.

The solution to better eating is NOT to go on a 'diet'.  In fact, it's best to never go on a 'diet' again.  Instead, make permanent healthy changes to your eating habits.

Here are a few things to start today:

  • Eat fresh produce with every meal
  • Include more fish in your diet
  • Drink more water
  • Make every meal (and snack) count nutritionally
  • Say 'no' to fast food
  • Say 'no' to other liquid calories (alcohol)
  • Cut out anything 'white' (rice, bread, pasta, etc)
  • Cut out mindless snacking

So, is there any hope for women experiencing all this?

I'm here to say a resounding YES.  I've had great success with many clients, including myself on my HOT FLUSH FREEDOM PROGRAMME.

Schedule your FREE discovery call with me NOW to discuss how I can help you 

BELIEVE In Yourself Because If You Don't, Who Will?

BELIEVE In Yourself Because If You Don't, Who Will?

To improve your health and fitness, you have to believe in yourself and be confident you can make a change.  If you doubt yourself, nobody will believe in you and you will stay where you are.

Below you will find 7 rules for improve health and fitness:


  • Remove the word "SHOULD" from your vocabulary

Stop thinking you 'should' do something and actually do it or at least take some relevant steps towards doing it.

Simply thinking about getting healthy and fit isn't going to make it happen.

So, if you're thinking about shedding some nasty body fat, eating better foods or simply leading an all-round healthier lifestyle then just do it instead of thinking you 'should'

  • Face your fears head on

It's very common for people to be thinking they 'should' do something instead of just getting it done because they're scared of doing it.  we all have our fears on very different levels.  One of those fears is change, and exploring the unknown.

Being scared of making lifestyle changes is a natural thing, it can be a daunting experience for many peple to do things differently - but once you do it, you'll look back on your current situation and smile with pride and increased self-respect that you have achieved something massive, and maybe even something you never thought possible.

  • Think about yourself and meet your own needs

Are you too busy helping and advising everyone else around you so that you're actually neglecting yourself and your own needs?

Or, maybe you're helping others to avoid taking on challenges of your own and stepping outside your comfort zone.

Helping people is a great thing to do and offers many benefits, but it is critical you put yourself first and meet your own needs or you will suffer and remain stationary for the foreseeable future.

Give yourself some of your precious time, evaluate your own needs and shoe yourself some attention for a change.

  • Open your mind to change

You've got to be prepared to change - no doubt about it.

Things need to stop and new habits need to be formed.  If you're not prepared to do this you will not improve, you will simply remain the same.

You don't need to change all at once, lots of small changes over time will amount to one huge change - take it one step at a time.

  • Set yourself attainable goals


There's no point setting goals that are totally unachieveable and de-motivating.  They need to be realistic and achieveable.

Give yourself and chance.

  • Progress at your own pace

You may have a workout partener who can run faster, lift heavier and tire less quickly than you, but that's cool.  There's no need to try and keep up or compete with them - doing so, will only slow you down and prevent your progress as it distracts you from what you need to do.

Forget what everyone else around you is doing and go at your own pace.

You can use them to motivate you and even help push yourself a little, but trying to run faster than you can or lift way more than you are able is only going to slow your development or injure you.

  • Appreciate where you are today

Sometimes we can hit periods of de-motivation and downheartedness when we feel like we've been trying so hard and the results are not quite as good as we would like them to be.

It's just about being patient and consistent and carrying on through these times.

This is when people see real results, when they achieve this and smash doen the barriers.

If you feel like this, or ever do, just think about where you are today as opposed to where you were when you started.

Maybe it's 12 months on from the start, maybe it's 6 months, perhaps it's just 1 month or even jsut a fortnight or a single week - the oint is you are so much better off than when you started.

Appreciate the progress you have made so far no matter how big or small it is.

If you'd like to kick start your personal journey to "healthy", why not start with my Online 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Programme?  At the end of 10 days, you will feel healthy, energised, toned and besy of all your tummy will be flatter!

The Journey of Healthy Eating

A couple of years ago, I started my journey to healthy eating.  It wasn't easy and it didn't all happen at once.  It started slowly with just one simple habit: eating a protein-rich breakfast everyday.  That was just the beginning.  Once I started to notice positive changes, I craved more and took further steps on my journey to better health.

We are all on this journey together and healthy eating looks different for everyone.  What constitutes "healthy" for one person may not be "healthy" for another.  I am not here to judge you on what that looks like for you, and it is up to you to define your own "healthy".

Do you have to be a strict vegan?  Certainly not (unless that's the journey you choose, and I support you).  OK, I still eat chocolate, cake, pizza and crisps - I just don't go crazy!  I listen to my body and know it's limits.  It's perfectly OK to eat a protein-rich breakfast each day and enjoy a scoop of ice cream after dinner!

Instead of telling you exactly how your journey to healthy eating needs to look, I'm sharing the top 5 tips I've learned along the way.  Maybe you'll find a couple of them helpful.


  • Start with one healthy habit per day

As I said, eating a protein-rich breakfast was where I started.  If you want to start there too, that's great!  It could be something as simple as drinking enough water to stay hydrated, or adding an extra serving of vegetables at dinner.  It might even be cooking dinner at home instead of eating out.  Whatever that step, however small it may seem, go for it!  You can do this and I'm cheering you on.

  • Listen to your body

I'm not a fan of making lots of drastic changes all at once.  It not only sets you up for failure but also doesn't feel so great.  Start to listen to your body.  How do you feel when you eat certain foods or do certain activities?  Let your body be your guide.  I bet you'll notice you feel better with each healthy choice you make.

  • Don't be too hard on yourself

Be imperfect!  Embrace it!  Even if you stumble a little along the way, keep going.  Don't stop.  Pick yourself up and keep plodding along.  Making changes, especially ones like healthier eating can be difficult.  Give yourself time and remember the first tip of starting with one small habit.  Allow yourself to breathe and make lasting changes.  Remember, perfection is not the goal.  This is s journey full of ups and downs.  Embrace it and keep moving forward.

  • Don't be afraid of the next step

Once you master that first healthy habit, move on to the next.  Here are some ideas to help you on your journey:

  • Pack a healthy lunch instead of eating out
  • Cook dinner at home
  • Drink more water
  • Start growing a garden
  • Buy healthy ingredients in bulk and cook large batches for the week
  • Make and stick to a healthy eating budget
  • Try a new food each week
  • Find a new recipe to try

If you'd like to kick start your personal journey to "healthy", why not start with my Online 10 Day Full Body Cleanse Programme?  At the end of 10 days, you will feel healthy, energised, toned and best of all your tummy will be flatter!