The day I discovered an ALL NATURAL alternative to HRT for relief from my menopause issues I was relieved, delighted, elated and excited all at once.
My journey through peri-menopause started when I hit 48. I remember it was a really hot summer and I was working mainly outdoors as a personal trainer. The hot flushes during the daytime were my first issue.
As many of you who have been here will know, the first reaction to a hot flush is to try to cool yourself down. This can often involve removing as many clothes as possible (whilst remaining decent, if in company). I hunted high and low for 100% cotton clothing. I bought an array of vest tops, sleeveless tee shirts and nightdresses. I also discovered merino wool which claimed to keep the body cool in extreme heat and warm in the cold.
I spent many hours driving to and from clients with the air conditioning in my car on maximum. There were times when that didn't cool down the car fast enough so I would wind down all the windows instead.
The flashes started at the backs of my knees and radiated upwards to the top of my head. I could feel the sweat trickling down me and accumulating on my face. They would last a couple of minutes and then I would feel really cold. I got to a point where I knew when the next flush was coming and would brace myself (I later discovered this was probably one of the worst things I could have done).
I actually timed the interval between hot flushes and it was exactly an hour.
Then, the night sweats arrived. I would be wakened 3 or 4 times a night dripping wet and would rip off my nightdress, throw the covers back and snuggle up against the stone cold metal radiator next to my bed. After a couple of minutes, I would then feel really cold and pull all the covers back on and quickly abandon the radiator.
There was no way I was going to see my GP for her to put me on HRT. After all, when I started to menstruate as a teenager I didn't go to my GP for some tablets.
I knew it was just the start of the next phase of my life and I wanted to embrace it if it wasn't for these pesky hot flushes and night sweats.
I searched the internet for other solutions. I came across Black Cohosh, Sage Leaf, progesterone creams and magnets to place in your underwear. In desperation I did actually try all of these. The sage leaf did not help at all; the black cohosh reduced the flushes for a couple of months but they came back; the progesterone cream gave me some temporary relief and the magnet did nothing at all except protrude through my exercise pants like an unsightly wart!
I read lots of information about menopause and learned that the symptoms can last up to 15 YEARS!
No way could I put up with the flushes for 15 YEARS!!!
I was determined to find a solution.
After around 18 months of struggling, I found an ALL NATURAL solution. I didn't hesitate for a second and called for more details.
My search was over!
I was keen to learn and try the solution IMMEDIATELY!
The solution was so easy to implement and within a few weeks:
- I was having very few hot flushes
- My night sweats were a thing of the past, meaning I was now sleeping through the night
- I felt totally revitalised and full of energy (some of my PT clients were commenting on how much energy I had)
- I lost 7lbs from around my mid section, which had been expanding
- Part way through, I noticed a clarity in my thinking (as if a fog I hadn't realised was there had lifted)
- My daily headaches, which I had not really associated with menopause disappeared and I was no longer reliant on paracetomol
I know there are so many women out there suffering on a daily basis. Many will be suffering way more than I did.
I'd love to hear your experiences with menopause.