Ever wondered by your friend gets better results from following the same weight loss/lifestyle programme as you?
Here are ten simple facts you need to know in order to successfully make lasting lifestyle changes. These facts will arm you with a wealth of knowledge to be successful.
- Set up your mind for success. The first principle has nothing to do with food at all, but has everything to do with your health and success. What many people don't realise is that the thoughts they think each day can affect their weight loss dramatically. For example, Julie and Jo both start a lifestyle programme on the same day. Julie goes into the programme with the mindset, "This is going to be great. I can already see my new body coming!" Jo, on the other hand starts the programme, but with the completely opposite mindset, "Oh what's the use? I've tried to lose weight so many other times. I guess I'll just see if I fail again this time." If you had to guess, which person do you think has a greater chance of reaching their weight loss goals? Yes, Julie - because she started off in the right mindset. Before you start your programme, spend some time thinking and writing down exactly what you want for your health, your weight and your life. See yourself in the healthy, beautiful body you've always dreamed about and believe it is possible for you.
- Kick Sugar Once and For All. It is no longer a secret or even a shock to most people that refined sugar causes weight gain and is one of the leading causes of obesity in the world. Sugar is also extremely addictive and the negative side effects are just as bad as drugs, if not worse. People don't realise how much sugar they are consuming in one day. Most soft drinks, juices and even some "health" drinks have anywhere between 5-10 teaspoons of sugar in each 8oz serving. It's not just drinks that are loaded with sugar. Most cereals and packaged foods have sugar or some form of sugar listed as the first or second ingredient. Fortunately for those looking for a lean, defined body, once you stop eating sugar, your addiction will quickly disappear. People who are "on" sugar crave it all the time. People who are "off" sugar don't even miss it. Weaning yourself off sugar and sugar containing products will cause a drastic and immediate change in your weight. The first few days may be a bit of a "detox" but these symptoms quickly disappear.
- Artificial Sweeteners are NOT a Good Replacement for Sugar. Often when people decide to give up sugar, they quickly resort to artificial sweeteners. These are definitely NOT the answer! Sorbitol, saccharin, aspartame and sucralose have been linked to cancer, tumours and obesity. They can cause weight gain by disrupting your body's natural hormones. Studies have shown that when people give up their daily "Diet" drink they quickly lose up to 10 lbs just by eliminating the consumption of this toxic sweetener. So it is equally important to eliminate any food that contains these sweeteners as it is to eliminate sugar from your daily intake. A great alternative is STEVIA, a naturally sweet plant native to Paraguay that is 30 times sweeter than sugar in its unprocessed form. Stevia is all natural, contains zero calories and has a zero glycaemic index.
- Go Back to Eating Real Foods. To make differentiating between healthy natural foods vs non-foods, stay away from anything that contains ingredients on a label that you can't pronounce. If the ingredients list to your favourite cereal is more complicated than your college chemistry final, best to stay away from it at all costs. These chemicals are all toxins to your body and your liver becomes extremely overwhelmed trying to rid your body of the harmful toxins. If your liver is too busy ridding you of toxic overload it will not be able to perform it's other job of burning body fat.
- Eat the Right Carbs for Optimal Health and Fat Loss. Whilst reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your meals will help you lose weight and lean down, you must reduce the bad and increase the good. Eating fibrous carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables actually turns your body into a fat burning machine. It is the processed and refined wheat and grains that cause everyone to feel bloated and have a difficult time losing weight. Don't fall into the "no carb" tarp. Learn the right carb approach to look great and feel great.
- Fire up Your Metabolism by Eating Regularly. You must develop the habit of eating frequent meals all day long to develop the kind of speedy metabolism that is going to allow you to get lean and stay lean. Eat 4-6 well portioned meals each day and you will see your body burn fat faster than you can say "sumo wrestler".
- Water. If you often feel like you're starving all day no matter how much food you've eaten, chances are you may be severely dehydrated. Many people actually mistake dehydration for hunger and eat lots more than they actually need when all they really needed was to drink some water! Water helps metabolise stored fat, rid the body of waste and is a natural diuretic and laxative, no wonder it's an absolute MUST when fat loss is your goal.
- Throw Out Those Deceiving "Health Foods". There are many health foods on the market causing people to gain weight as well as making it near impossible for them to lose weight. There are thousands of health foods that contain toxic hydrogenated oil. Check out that Weight Watchers meal. Even some energy sports bars and shakes are loaded with hydrogenated oils and many other preservatives. Another culprit is SOY. The worst soy protein products are soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, texturised vegetable protein and hydrolised vegetable protein. These are found in everything from shake powders, energy bars, veggie burgers and canned tuna. The worst soy products are margarines containing trans fatty acids.
- Learn to Love the Right Kind of Fat. The complete elimination of all fats from your diet is a BIG mistake. Eliminate the unhealthy ones like hydrogenated oils, but the healthy fats found in wild fish and nuts are absolutely essential for your body to function optimally. These Omega 3 fats are so critical to the body's functioning that it is very difficult to experience any weight loss without including them in your meals. Good sources are salmon, walnuts, chia seeds and organic eggs.
- Build Your Body and Stop Hunger by Eating Protein. Protein not only fuels your muscles, it also helps stabilise your blood sugar and prevents hunger. so, you get the benefit of lean, toned muscles and a way NOT to be hungry - sounds good to me. Most people go through the entire day without eating any protein. These are usually the same people who complain of a flabby body, fatigue and hunger pangs that won't go away. Include a healthy source of protein in each meal, for example grass fed meats, free range poultry, organic eggs, wild fish and organic raw nuts.