We are what we digest, not what we eat. It is so important to keep our digestion working smoothly, otherwise our bodies struggle as we can ́t absorb nutrients, we get bloated and constipated. To maintain optimal digestive health, here are my top 5 foods that you can add to your diet.
1. Coconut oil
Coconut oil contains antimicrobial properties and fatty acids that are beneficial for your digestion. I recommend taking 30ml/1 ounce each day (preferably in the morning)
2. Ghee
Ghee (clarified butter) stimulates the digestive system by encouraging the secretion of stomach acids which help to break down food. I recommend taking 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon a day depending on your own body.
3. Courgette
Courgette is extremely high in fibre and has a cleansing effect in your digestive tract. Try to incorporate courgette into your daily recipes, even salads for a little boost of digestive cleansing.
4. Bone broth
This magical broth reduces inflammation and can protect against infection. The gelatine found in bone broth can help to heal and seal the gut and therefore support proper digestion.
5. Fermented foods
Sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles and other fermented vegetables, kombucha and miso are high in probiotics, break down and eliminate heavy metals and are detoxifying. Try to have a small portion of probiotics with each meal for optimal digestive health.