Chewing seems to be an unimportant part of eating, something that needs to be done as fast as possible so we can finally swallow our food. But this is a big mistake. Chewing is actually the most important aspect of nutrition and eating and so deserves much more attention than we are giving it.
Digestion starts in the mouth. While chewing digestive enzymes found in saliva begin to break the food down. This is the first and most important part of digestion because without these enzymes your body can ́t absorb the nutrients.
Think about it, the more you chew your food the more liquid it becomes and the easier it is for the stomach and small intestine to digest it.
Ideally we should chew every bite at least 30 times (you can start with 20 times if it feels too long for you). Put your cutlery down while chewing so you are not tempted to take another bite when you haven ́t finished chewing.
Try to notice the difference it makes when you chew your food properly. You ́ll realise you are eating slower, you are concentrating on your food, you are full faster and feel less heavy or bloated after your meal. Your stomach won’t need to work as much so you won’t be as tired or lethargic afterwards.