Women often report insomnia associated with menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. Women who have problems with getting a good night sleep have a greater risk for health problems, not just now but later in life. Not getting enough sleep profoundly affects every aspect of our lives and so it makes sense that insomnia should be taken seriously.

Instead of taking sleeping pills try to increase your sleep quality with our top 10 tips to get better beauty sleep

  1. Go to bed before 10pm

  2. Sleep in a room which is dark, quiet and cool (btw. 60-68 degrees)

  3. Stop drinking caffeine (tea, coffee, energy drinks) after 2pm

  4. Use your bed for sleep only (no work, no reading)

  5. Switch off all electronic devices 1 hour before bedtime

  6. Make your bed room a tv, computer and mobile free zone

  7. Do some light stretching (yoga), breathing exercises or meditation

    before bed

  8. Don ́t drink too much after 8pm to avoid going to the toilet

  9. Take a hot bath before bed with Epsom salt and lavender

10. Take magnesium supplements before bed (helps to decrease
